Sunday, February 27, 2011

Turrbal People

Turrbal Tribe History.
The Turrbal people are the traditional and original land owners of Brisbane for 100’s of years, they referred to Brisbane as ‘Meeaan-Jin’. The Turrbal tribe lived near the water ways and creeks of Brisbane as fishing was there primary source for getting food.
 The white settlement in Brisbane was in 1825 and by the end of the 1840’s the Europeans  had driven the Turrbal tribe out of their traditional homes and did not let them cross back in or they were able to kill them right then and there and that is why we have so many Boundary Roads in Queensland. The English also brought over a type of alcohol which the Turrbal people were not used to and because of what the Europeans brought over it killed many of the Turrbal people.
 Although many Turrbal people sadly died, there are still many Turrbal people still thankfully living today.
Anna Reeve.

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